Brand Activation
The Future is Now
Have you seen Minority Report? No, me neither! All I know is that it’s all about futuristic stuff and looked too cool to be real.
Well, the good news is that the technology is already available and could be the WOW factor for your next brand activation campaign.
Whilst we are not as geek as it seems we are all about new technology and are in love with the endless possibilities it brings to the activation space. And let’s be real it is pretty fun too!
From mixed reality to brainwave neurosensing (I know right?!) and everything in between, we are always exploring and seeking ways to integrate new technology into the brand experience to maximise community engagement.
Let us expand a little on some of our favourite new technologies that we are excited to get creative with.
One of our favourites is gesture recognition. Imagine giving your audience the power to interact with your activation at the swipe of their hand and discover a new renovation while it is still in the making or create their own virtual journey through your property. I know I would like to engage with something that cool and this is just a few of the many possibilities!
Looking for a creative way for your retailers to do a giveaway? Then look no further than the digital vending machine – we love these! Perfect for launching a new product, these digital vending machines create an interactive experience where your audience can receive the giveaway through facial recognition. Check out the example below to see how clever this is and how it works. It will blow your mind!
Our clients are particularly loving the addition of augmented reality (AR) into their brand activation and community engagement events and so are we!
Augmented reality elevated our client, Fostering Connections, campaign to a new level of engagement when we used AR in a playful way during Foster Care week. The lobby of 530 Collins Street was abuzz with beautiful graphics that played real-life stories from foster carers when people scanned the images with their phones, helping to break down the myths about becoming a foster parent.
AR is also amazing for gaining insights into your audience and measuring the success of your activation. In addition to being able to gauge key demographics of your audience, it provides an excellent opportunity for data collection.
This is just one of the many inspired and innovative ways new technology can create a greater impact in the world of activation. Leading to greater community engagement, longer dwell times and increased brand awareness that leaves a lasting impact.
We have touched on a few of the exciting technology options that can be personalised to achieve your desired outcomes, aid in gaining awareness, increased interaction and brand recognition as well as social amplification.
The possibilities are limitless and we are excited about the creative and strategic opportunities that exist through clever implementation with technology. We will never look at a screen, a vending machine, an iPad or space the same way again and we hope you won’t either.